The Secret to Manifesting Abundance

by Della Menechella

Money Woman

Is manifesting abundance impossible for you? Absolutely not! No matter what your current financial condition is, you can learn how to attract prosperity into your life on a regular basis.

As a spiritual woman entrepreneur, it is your divine right to experience abundance and prosperity. But before you can attract abundance in greater amounts, you need to understand how the Law of Abundance works. There is Infinite Abundance available for you and every other person on the planet. However, you can’t have more of it just because you want it. The only way you are going to be able to attract more abundance into your life is to learn how to master your thinking.

The Law of Abundance works with your thoughts. If you are thinking thoughts of poverty or lack, then you are not going to be able to attract prosperity in greater amounts – at least not any time soon. The law cannot provide you with more if you are thinking less. It is as simple as that.

If manifesting abundance is really a priority for you, then you need to start thinking about abundance and prosperity. Now, I know that you may not have done this before, but if you want to attract abundance into your life, now and in the future, it is something you must get good at doing.

Tips for Manifesting Abundance

  • Recognize Spirit as your source – One of the main principles of manifesting greater abundance is to recognize that Spirit is the source of your good. Most women believe that their job, their family, their clients, or the government, is the source of their good. This is not the Truth. These are some of the channels through which your abundance comes, but they are not the source. Spirit is your source, and it is important for you to really know this.

    Spirit has infinite ways to bring prosperity to you. If one door closes, another, bigger one will open.

  • Focus on abundance – You need to focus on the abundance that you see all around you. There is an abundance of air, trees, and stars. Whatever you think about grows, so if you are only focusing on the lack in your life, then you are going to attract more lack. Shift your focus to abundance so it can grow in your life.   

  • Focus on what you want, not what you have – I know how challenging it can be to not constantly think about your current financial situation, especially if it isn’t where you want it to be. But you need to redirect your thinking to what you want to experience. Do whatever you need to do to take care of your current financial household. Then stop thinking about it. Instead, imagine that you are already living your life at the level of abundance that you would like to experience.

Want to See - Abraham

  • Give thanks now– You are already manifesting abundance even if it is not at the level that you really want. Compared to many people in the world, you are already rich. Begin to be grateful for your current level of prosperity.  Gratitude is a very powerful multiplier of good. It is like fertilizer is to a plant. It helps your wealth grow and flourish.    

  • Take an abundance course - This is a great way for you to get the concept of manifesting abundance off and running.  You need to clearly understand how the Law of Abundance works so you can begin to apply its principles in your life. While this article is great for an overview, it cannot provide you with the depth of understanding that a good abundance course can give you.

  • Read abundance quotes – Fill your mind with prosperity ideas. Reading abundance quotes on a regular basis will help you realize that abundance is a natural part of life, that it is unlimited, and that it is available for you.


  • Recite prosperity and abundance affirmations – Reciting prosperity and abundance affirmations with feeling and conviction will help you begin to believe that you can attract abundance and wealth into your life. Some samples are - “I am open to receiving ever increasing amounts of Infinite Abundance in my life.” “It is Spirit’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom, and it is my joy to receive it.”  “I am a child of the Universe. It is my divine right to experience greater good in every area of my life.”   

  • Direct the Universe with prosperity prayers – Let the Universe know what you want it to do for you. Create and say prosperity prayers to direct the Universe to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life. Recognize that the power of God, the power of Good, is manifesting abundance for you. (Learn a powerful method for manifesting what you want.)

  • Imagine abundance flowing to you – One of my favorite ways to prime my thoughts for prosperity is to imagine money flowing to me. I often imagine that the Universe leaves a bucket of money at my front door every morning. I also imagine that I have a money tree that grows $100 bills. Every time I pick off bills, more grow to replace them.

    This might seem like a silly activity but try it anyway. And the crazier your ideas, the better. This will loosen your belief that manifesting abundance can only come to you through certain channels. It will help you change your vibration and realize that money and abundance can flow to you in ways that you’ve never imagined.

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  • Try on a prosperity consciousness – Walk around during your day as if you were already manifesting abundance into your life. How does it feel? Feeling like you are already prosperous changes your vibration. And your vibration attracts similar circumstances into your life. When you feel prosperous, you will experience more prosperity. “As within, so without.”

Open Yourself Up to Prosperity

Attracting wealth and prosperity into your life is possible for you. Follow these tips and experience all the freedom, joy, and peace of mind that manifesting abundance can bring.

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