Powerful New Year's Resolution Ideas
to Help Women Entrepreneurs Succeed

by Della Menechella

New Year's Resolution Ideas

It’s a brand new year! If you’re like many women, you’ve probably come up with new year's resolution ideas for things you want to change this year. But if you’re like most women, you probably won’t succeed with your resolutions.


According to research done by the University of Scranton, only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions! Why do so many people fail? Because they don’t have a plan in place to help them achieve their goals.

These simple New Year's resolution ideas can help you succeed.

Give Up the Blame Game – Many women are very self-critical about the things they haven’t changed. “I should have lost weight already.” “I should have taken more action to move my business forward.” “I should have learned to be more organized.”

No amount of regret is going to return lost time to you. When you are caught in the vicious cycle of self-blame, you are wasting valuable energy that you could put to better use. Instead of worrying about the past, focus on the present and the future. You can create an entirely new life in this moment.

Be Sure It's Something YOU Want – One of the most critical New Year's resolution ideas is to make sure you want to change because it is something YOU want. Too many women try to change because they feel they should, or they feel pressure from family, friends, or society. Changing behavior isn't easy. If you try to make changes and your heart isn't in it, you won't succeed. Be honest with yourself. Is this something you really want to do? If it is, then you are more likely to be successful.

WIIFM – This acronym is one of the most powerful motivators for change. What's in it for me? If you don't know the answer to this question, you need to consider how this change will impact your life. Make a list of all the benefits you will enjoy from this change. When times get tough, which they likely will, you can pull out your list and look at why you are doing this. This will help you get back on track and keep moving forward.

What Can Fuel Your Success? – Sometimes delays can be valuable to you. Your delays can actually be stepping stones to your success.

Have you met someone who can help you achieve your goal? Have you learned new skills that you can use to put your business on the fast track? Have you finally decided that you’ve had enough with the way things are and you are seriously ready to make a change – permanently?

Think about what has happened that was a blessing in disguise. Ask yourself how you can use this to help you achieve success.

Pick One New Year's Resolution Idea and Break it Down – Many women fail at succeeding with New Year's resolution ideas because they try to change too many things at the same time. “I want to lose weight, learn to relax, get more clients, manage my time better, and I want to do them all now.” These might seem like great goals, but if you tried to accomplish them all at the same time, you would probably go on stress overload and give up on all of them.

Pick one goal and break it down into manageable pieces. If you want to increase your visibility, decide that twice a month, you will send valuable tips to past, current, and future clients to help them succeed. Then take those same tips and add them to your website. After you’ve done that, post those tips on one or two social media platforms.

Make it easy to succeed. Breaking your goal down into simple, bite-sized steps that you can easily follow will help you stick with them. Once you’ve mastered one goal, you can follow this same strategy with another one.

Find a Support Network – No matter how good your intentions are, there is a good chance that you will meet stumbling blocks that will cause you to want to give up in total defeat. Another important New Year's resolution idea is to be ready for these inevitable times by setting up a network of people who will be there for you when you are ready to jump ship.

Get an accountability buddy or a spiritual partner who can help you believe in yourself when the going gets tough. Or work with a mentor who can help you get back on track. Being prepared for potential obstacles gives you the tools you need to overcome them.

If you want to make this your best year and would like support to make that happen, apply for your complimentary Getting Unstuck: Connecting the Dots to Your Vision Strategy Session.

Imagine Your Success – One of the most powerful New Year's resolution ideas you can implement is to take time every day to imagine your success in your mind. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between something that is real and something that is vividly imagined. When you feel the rewards of success before you have actually achieved it, it helps you feel motivated to continue taking action.

Whatever you think about consistently in your mind, you eventually bring about in your life. Imagine success and one day it can be your reality.

Whatever you think about consistently in your mind,

you eventually bring about in your life.

Get Back Up – When you are trying to create new habits in your life, there is a good chance that you will slip up and fall back to your old behavior. Who cares! If you get off track, don’t judge yourself and make yourself wrong. And don’t use it as an excuse to quit.

If you fall down, you aren’t a failure! Just pick yourself up and get back on track. It doesn’t matter how many times you need to do this. It takes persistence and consistency to internalize new habits. If you keep picking yourself back up, eventually you will succeed.

So here you have it. Simple New Year's resolution ideas for you to follow so that you are one of the 8% who achieves your New Year’s resolutions.  You’ve got this!

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oriented women entrepreneurs who could use support in achieving their vision. 

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